Thursday 25 March 2010

~ Week Three: Swampool Beach ~

This week I went to swampool beach and took a few images of the views around me, i mostly looked at the waves and the details in the water every time they washed across the shore as this interested me as each and every time they hit the sand the wave wouldn't be the same as the last.

The reason I decided to use this image is because I quite liked how dark and gloomy the rocks looked. I think this image isn't one of my best but the way the image gives a sense of sadness it made me want to use it.

When taking this picture I had an idea in mind, my idea was to make an image of my own using the idea of an 'silhouette image' which is when the object in the image is dark, sometimes pitch black, with the background light being so bright, this effect is made by standing the subject or object directly against the sun so that the sun shines around it making no detail on the subject. I think you could also get the same effect using a studio and a bright back drop. here are some examples of the sort of thing i wanted to create: I liked the idea of this effect as Silhouette's always come across as being mysterious and moody. They hide the full story, making them interesting.

I liked how the water in this image seems to be 'creeping' the way it slowly came closer and closer.

When walking down the beach I saw this man and his dog and decided to take an image of them both as just something about the way the dog was around the owner made it seem an interesting scene to capture.

Before I had captured this image I had seen an image before by Ansel Adams with the leaves on the sand, that image came to mind when looking down at this leaf and made me want to take an image, even though its not that similar too Ansels image as his has bright red leaves and a shuttle tone for the sand but I still saw this as an all right picture.

After watching the waves for a rather long time I decided to take an image of the view I saw, I loved the way the waves crashed down differently each and every time they hit the sand and wanted to capture the waves mid-way before they crashed and flattened out.

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